Sports Massage

What is it? 

Sports massage is a skilled, manual, therapeutic application of soft tissue remedial techniques that are selected and performed after careful consultation, recording of medical history and appropriate general and specific assessment.  

There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that massage may be effective in helping to support people with certain chronic conditions, such as low back pain. In guidelines produced by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), soft tissue techniques such as massage are recommended for managing low back pain, alongside exercise.”

Who is it for?

Sports & Remedial massage isn’t just for athletes. Sports massage techniques are suitable for both sports people and non-athletes alike and can help with injuries, chronic pain, muscle aches, and restricted range of motion. It can help be an effective therapy for identifying and releasing muscle tension before an injury occurs, restoring balance to the musculo-skeletal system, optimising flexibility, releasing trigger points, reducing adhesions and maintaining a healthier physical state. The treatment can also help relieve many day-to-day problems such as repetitive strain injury, sprains, work related tension and fatigue. It can also assist in the breakdown of scar tissue after injury or surgery.

Sports massage therapy should never be used in place of conventional medical care.

How can Sports Massage Therapy benefit me?

The primary purpose of sports massage therapy is to help alleviate the stress and tension which builds up in the body’s soft tissues during physical activity. This is where minor injuries and lesions occur, usually due to overexertion and/or overuse. Massage can break these down quickly and effectively. Massage therapy can help prevent those niggling injuries that so often impede performance or contribute to day-to-day feelings. Sports massage is also effective in reducing delayed onset muscle soreness also known as DOMS. DOMS can affect how quickly you recover to train again and is commonly felt as those aches and pains after hard activity.


Other possible benefits

Many aspiring and professional athletes have massage while training and competing, in order to stay in optimum condition and aid recovery.

Used alongside conventional medical care, it can help to improve quality of life and bring comfort to anyone living with certain chronic conditions. It can help to relieve tension, encourage relaxation, improve mood and aid sleep, though some people use it to help them cope with more specific health challenges.

  • Help to Increase joint range of motion.
  • Reduce muscle tightness.
  • Increased injury recovery
  • Increased blood circulation and lymphatic flow.
  • Improve flexibility and posture


What can I expect?

A full pre-treatment consultation will take place, this will include, understanding your medical history, suitability for treatment discussing any contraindications, (please read the contraindications page before booking any appointments.) If you are in any doubt, please call or email prior to booking to discuss fully.

A range of assessment procedures will be completed to identify any possible dysfunctions, these may include Postural Assessments, Range of Motion tests, Palpation, and any relevant Special Tests. The key focus is to understand what may be causing the issue and focus on that rather than just treating the injury  Before any treatment takes place, the plan will be explained to you and your consent gained.

The treatment normally takes place on a massage couch, or a seated massage chair, starting with warming the body before applying deeper pressure at a level which you are comfortable with. You can expect to be lead during your treatment, including talking you through any special stretches which will help lengthen and condition the muscles. The benefits of this form of massage are some of the most noticeable. Freedom of movement and mobility can be dramatically increased, and circulation boosted. Muscles are often noticeably lengthened, and injury recovery is speeded.

After care will be discussed and may include rehabilitation or prevention of an injury through stretching and strengthening programs that suit each individuals’ lifestyles.

Treatments may include:

  • Postural Assessments
  • Sports and Remedial Massage
  • Soft tissue release
  • Trigger point therapy
  • Muscular Energy Technique
  • Cupping Therapy
  • Dry needling
  • Kinesiology / Taping and Strapping
  • Musculoskeletal examination & assessment,
  • Electrotherapy
  • Ultra Sound
  • Manual Therapy
  • Joint mobilisation


After care may include:

  • Strengthening & proprioception exercises
  • Stretching exercises
  • Self-Myofascial release
  • Rehabilitation plan


Common injuries we treat are:

  • Neck/Shoulder discomfort/injuries – Rotator cuff, impingement, frozen shoulder
  • Overuse Injuries – shin splints, tennis/golfers elbow, plantar fasciitis, ITB syndrome
  • Post-Surgery Once GP cleared – increasing range of movement and reducing scar tissue
  • Muscles Strains
  • Joint Sprains
  • Back Problems – lower back pain,
  • Issues related to running gait
  • Postural issues from work or lifestyle
  • General aches & pains


Contraindication – means you are not able to receive massage, or the massage may be limited to certain areas of your body. Contraindications are there for your health and safety along with that of your therapist.

Total Contraindication – A situation where massage is avoided completely. This is usually for reasons presented by the customer and therapist safety and protection.

Relative Contraindication – a situation in which a massage Practitioner may proceed with the treatment with a doctor’s note but will need to modify techniques related to the client’s condition e.g., using lighter pressure.
Local Contraindication – a situation in which a local area of the client’s body should not be massaged under any circumstances.

This may be for the client’s own comfort, to avoid spreading infection or to avoid further injury.

Please note that all treatments are subject to medical status, some medical conditions require a doctor’s note. If you are unsure, please contact the clinic before booking your appointment where they will be able to advise further.

Those who have a medical condition, who are taking medication, are pregnant or breast feeding should consult their GP, midwife or other health professional before booking any treatments

Suitability of treatments will be confirmed during your consultation.

D-Velopment Sport Massage Therapy reserves the right to refuse treatment where it is deemed to be a risk to the health and safety of the client or therapist.