Cupping Therapy

What is Cupping Therapy?

Dry Cupping Therapy involves cups (either glass or plastic) placed on an area of skin and a partial vacuum is created by means of either heat or suction. The negative pressure created by the cups relieves pressure on the underlying tissues and structures.

Many aspiring and professional athletes use this while training and competing, in order to stay in optimum condition and aid recovery.

How does Cupping Therapy Work?

Dry cupping creates a sterile inflammation reaction which involves creating microtrauma (similar to exercise and manual massage). The microtrauma initiates the healing response.

When an individual has an injury and does not recover effectively the individual will develop pockets of old blood in the injured tissue. If there is stagnation present the area may not move well because the muscle and fascial fibres are restricted and congested. Due to this, the flow of fresh blood will become slow and weaker which will in effect hinder the healing process. The stagnation marks that last the longest are due to greater amount of waste product being dissipated.

What can I expect during and after a cupping session?

When the cup is placed on your skin, the air inside the cup cools and creates a vacuum that draws the skin and muscle upward into the cup. The cup may feel warm when placed on the skin if using a naked flame. Once the cup is placed with suction, the tissue stretches leaving room for the area to be flooded with fresh blood. As the area is flooded with blood, stagnated blood is drawn to the surface within the skin layers. The old blood is dark colour, and this is what gives the ‘bruised circle’ look. Post Cupping therapy, you may be left with marks, however, this is normal and will subside. The goal is with having regular cupping the stagnated blood will reduced and go lighter in colour as the body part becomes healthier as it regenerates itself with the assistance of cupping.


What does Cupping Therapy feel like?

The suction will feel tight and sting at first (not painful) while it draws your skin up into the cup. That sensation passes quickly as your therapist moves on to place the next cup. If the pain remains or becomes worse the suction will be adjusted. If the pain remains the cup will be removed.


Cupping Therapy Skin Marks

Cupping skin marks post treatment are produced by the pressure inside the cup and the edema and bleeding in various skin layers. Many factors can determine the cupping marks such as pressure, and time that the cup is left on the skin for. Marks usually disappear within a few days up to three weeks of cupping.


Contraindication to Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy is very effective and a safe form of therapy for most people. However, there are some cases where the therapist may have to gain GP/Consultant approval prior to treating a client or even avoid treating a client altogether. If you have any underlying medical conditions, it is best to contact us first to discuss if this treatment may be suitable for you